Reduce Stress. Increase Productivity.
Reduce Absenteeism. Increase Profit.
Corporate Wellness Programmes are designed to promote health and wellness at the worksite. The workplace is often a place of high stress, which can lead to a variety of ailments and even sick days off.
10.5 million lost working days per year through stress, depression and anxiety.
88% of employers agree that there is a link between work and employees health and wellbeing
71% of the British workforce are disengaged from their work.
Onsite wellness programmes are designed to fit into any working day and to fit the needs of each client.
- Reducing Stress
- Reducing Absenteeism
- Getting people to be healthier – mind and body, to make employees more productive and efficient
- Recognising the holistic approach to life – the individual, mind, body, family, work, social, relationships, children, bosses, etc…
- Everything plays a role in how you behave
- Improving Productivity
Below are a list of some of the services that we offer
– Health Needs Assessments
– Stress Management
– Healthy Living Classes
– Wellness Coaching
– Nutritional Consultations
– Nutrition Classes
– Health Education
– Lunch-n-Learn Seminars
– Yoga Classes
– Group Meditations
Please contact us at for additional information. Keep in mind that each of our programmes will be tailored to your needs as we understand that one programme may not always work for everyone.